
The Meaning of the 4th House in Vedic Astrology


Meaning of the 4th House

The fourth house represents home and family environment, the mother, happiness and hope, emotion, inclination of heart, houses, residence, lands and properties, vehicles, possessions, clothes, ornaments, kingdom, belief, faith, confidence.

Happiness, quality or inclination of the heart, family, relatives, treasure, hereditary home, ancestral property, real estate, fields, agricultural property, good crop yields, orchards, gardens, places of dharma, spiritual places, formal education, mother - her nature, welfare & happiness; sweet smells, perfumes, oils, anointing the body, wells, tanks, oceans, water sources, bridges, delicacy & gentility, increase, sleep, cows, milk, water buffalo, horses, elephants, domestic animals, name & reputation, healing herbs, medicines, false propaganda or lying, triumph or victory, placing money or wealth in safe custody, religious ceremonies, diagnosis, architecture, buildings, ultimate results, feeding the gods, place where stolen property is kept, knowledge of the Vedas & shastras (scriptures), comfort & discomfort, conjugal life, commerce, transfer, trade, end of life, monuments, secret life, blood, mines.
Body part — chest, breasts, heart